Pigeons in the Kitchen

A special and royal promise for women is tucked away amidst the treasures of the Bible.  Women generally desire to be covered with silver and gold.  More so should we desire that our “inner woman” be so decorated.  Let’s put our thumb on Psalm 68:13, ask God to open our eyes of understanding and enlarge our hearts to believe this rich promise of His to make it good to us.  Too long we have been lying “among the pots” not knowing who we are.  Too long we have been blaming our ‘fate’ not realizing what we can be.  “Though you have been lying among the pots, yet you shall be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold,” says the Lord God.


An old proverb says that a woman is a saint in the church, an angel in the street and a devil in the kitchen!  But, praise God, we who have tasted the love of Christ can be dainty doves in the kitchen.  Shall we see how we can enjoy this promise in toto?  Let us look into the Bible for the characters of a dove to help in this study.


In the Bible the dove is often mentioned as an article of SACRIFICE.  It was sold in the temple for sin-offering (Lev 14:22).  The beauty of a woman is her sacrificial living.  She sacrifices her time, energy and self for her family.  Always it is the woman in the house who foregoes the delicacies of life.  She is the one who covers up the faults of the children before their daddy and ready to bear the reproach herself.  In short, she is the ‘shock-absorber’ of the household!  Let us learn to be even more sacrificial in God’s family, the Church (Eph 3:15).  “Love is not self-seeking” (1 Cor 13:5).


The dove is known for her INNOCENCE (Mt 10:16).  She is harmless and gentle.  Women are said to be ‘cunning,’ but the Lord, the Master-changer, can surely change our subtle nature.  Let us be so harmless that nobody needs to fear us and avoid us.  “Love keeps no record of evil” (1 Cor 13:5).  Let us be always doing good to the family of God (Prov 31:11, 12).


The dove is a HOME-LOVING bird.  This is the secret of carrier-pigeons.  This is what Prophet Isaiah speaks about: “Who are these that fly along the clouds, like doves to their nests?” (Isa 60:8).  The first mission field God has given everyone of us is our home.  Children are our responsibility.  How much a woman can influence her husband for good!  How often we hear the remark, “It all depends on what the woman says.”  It is true.  So much depends on what we do and say, and unless we love our homes as we should we can never do the best of what God has given us.  Once a woman wrote to her pastor, “Pastor, I want to go to the uttermost parts of the earth to preach the Good News.  But you know, I have twelve children and…..”  To this the pastor replied, “Dear lady, I praise God that He has already given you a congregation of twelve….”  Is there family worship in your home?  Does your little one pray before eating?  Do you spend enough time with your children telling them the heroic stories of the Bible, and have they learnt to love Jesus and depend on Him for everything?  The teacher and pastor will only stand behind you when your son or daughter will be judged on that Day.  Let us learn to love our homes like the dove and be mindful of our Eternal Home.


The voice of the turtle dove ANNOUNCES THE ARIVAL OF SPRING.  “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land”  (SS 2: 11, 12).  Are we not the turtle doves of a nation that slumbers, not understanding the singing of the birds or the blooming of the flowers of the earth, not realizing that the coming of the Lord is near?  “You who bring Good News to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring Good News to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’  See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and He rules with a mighty arm. See, His reward is with Him, and His recompense accompanies Him” (Isa 40:9, 10).


O doves, fear not, lift up your voices and announce the coming of the Lord!  Let your dove’s eyes be full of the vision of the perishing souls!


The dove has a MOURNING NATURE.  “It is decreed that Nineveh be exiled and carried away. Her female slaves  moan like doves and beat on their breasts” (Nah 2:7).  It is being sensitive to the sufferings of others.  God has given us this mourning and sensitive nature not without a reason.  Though we are often made a laughing stock since we can produce tears at the twinkle of an eye, it is God who has designed us so.  No one else can pray with such concern for the lost as women can do.  The start of a revival has often been a bunch of crying women.  The Lord needs such who will stand in the breach and save the country by their tears.  A tear in your closet can win a soul in China.


The dove is a FEARFUL bird.  “They will come from Egypt, trembling like sparrows, from Assyria, fluttering like doves” (Hos 11:11).  The fear of the Lord is the foundation for your family.


The dove ABIDES in the rock.  “…Dwell among the rocks, … Be like a dove that makes its nest at the mouth of a cave” (Jer 48:28).  For any mishap in the family it is the woman who bears the brunt of the attack.  Woman’s world is a tumultuous one.  The unsaved husband, the problem child, an unruly servant, the sickly baby, physical disabilities, pressing financial needs, etc. – all toss us about in the sea of worries.  But let us learn to take shelter in the Rock of our salvation.  The Psalmist’s desire is also the housewife’s desire.  Don’t sigh, “… Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest” (Psa 55:6).  But fix your regular Quiet Time with God, rest in the Rock and recoup your strength.


Behold, your beloved is waiting to see your face and hear your voice.  “My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely” (SS 2:14).  He is the One who sees us lying  among the pots and transforms us as the dove with wings sheathed with silver, and her feathers with shining  gold.


We are His, His beloved doves (SS 5:2, 6:9).

























  Articles (Tamil)

  •    என் அண்ணா!
      Oct 14, 2024
    நான் இயேசுவின் தம்பி யாக்கோபு. ஏழை குடும்பத்தில், நாசரேத் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த நாங்கள் ஐந்து சகோதரர் மற்றும் சகோதரிகள். more...
  •   இறைவார்த்தையின் வல்லமை!.
      Mar 10, 2024
    நாம் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்தான். அனால் இரன்டு காரணங்களுக்காக நாம் சோதிக்கப்படும்படி தேவன் அனுமதிக்கிறார் more...
  •   நான் குழந்தை இயேசு!.
      Jan 29, 2024
    அப்பாவின் கவலை தோய்ந்த முகம் பூலோகத்தையே உற்று நோக்கி கொண்டிருந்ததை கவனித்தேன் more...



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  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

For Donation & Contributions...

Home & NRE donors

Name: Blessing Youth Mission
Account Type: Current Account
A/c No.: 37268642054
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSC No.: SBIN0007274

Gulf Donors

A/c Name: T.Dickson Daniel Moses
Account Type: Saving Account
A/c No.: 35374362080
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSF: SBIN0007274

Click here for more options

  Blessing Literature Centre

To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address

Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
 +91-44-28450411, 8806270699

  Articles (Tamil)

  •   என் அண்ணா!
      Oct 14, 2024
    நான் இயேசுவின் தம்பி யாக்கோபு. ஏழை குடும்பத்தில், நாசரேத் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த நாங்கள் ஐந்து சகோதரர் மற்றும் சகோதரிகள். more...
  •   இறைவார்த்தையின் வல்லமை!.
      Mar 10, 2024
    நாம் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்தான். அனால் இரன்டு காரணங்களுக்காக நாம் சோதிக்கப்படும்படி தேவன் அனுமதிக்கிறார் more...
  •   நான் குழந்தை இயேசு!.
      Jan 29, 2024
    அப்பாவின் கவலை தோய்ந்த முகம் பூலோகத்தையே உற்று நோக்கி கொண்டிருந்ததை கவனித்தேன் more...



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  Hits since Mar 2024

Pigeons in the Kitchen

A special and royal promise for women is tucked away amidst the treasures of the Bible.  Women generally desire to be covered with silver and gold.  More so should we desire that our “inner woman” be so decorated.  Let’s put our thumb on Psalm 68:13, ask God to open our eyes of understanding and enlarge our hearts to believe this rich promise of His to make it good to us.  Too long we have been lying “among the pots” not knowing who we are.  Too long we have been blaming our ‘fate’ not realizing what we can be.  “Though you have been lying among the pots, yet you shall be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold,” says the Lord God.


An old proverb says that a woman is a saint in the church, an angel in the street and a devil in the kitchen!  But, praise God, we who have tasted the love of Christ can be dainty doves in the kitchen.  Shall we see how we can enjoy this promise in toto?  Let us look into the Bible for the characters of a dove to help in this study.


In the Bible the dove is often mentioned as an article of SACRIFICE.  It was sold in the temple for sin-offering (Lev 14:22).  The beauty of a woman is her sacrificial living.  She sacrifices her time, energy and self for her family.  Always it is the woman in the house who foregoes the delicacies of life.  She is the one who covers up the faults of the children before their daddy and ready to bear the reproach herself.  In short, she is the ‘shock-absorber’ of the household!  Let us learn to be even more sacrificial in God’s family, the Church (Eph 3:15).  “Love is not self-seeking” (1 Cor 13:5).


The dove is known for her INNOCENCE (Mt 10:16).  She is harmless and gentle.  Women are said to be ‘cunning,’ but the Lord, the Master-changer, can surely change our subtle nature.  Let us be so harmless that nobody needs to fear us and avoid us.  “Love keeps no record of evil” (1 Cor 13:5).  Let us be always doing good to the family of God (Prov 31:11, 12).


The dove is a HOME-LOVING bird.  This is the secret of carrier-pigeons.  This is what Prophet Isaiah speaks about: “Who are these that fly along the clouds, like doves to their nests?” (Isa 60:8).  The first mission field God has given everyone of us is our home.  Children are our responsibility.  How much a woman can influence her husband for good!  How often we hear the remark, “It all depends on what the woman says.”  It is true.  So much depends on what we do and say, and unless we love our homes as we should we can never do the best of what God has given us.  Once a woman wrote to her pastor, “Pastor, I want to go to the uttermost parts of the earth to preach the Good News.  But you know, I have twelve children and…..”  To this the pastor replied, “Dear lady, I praise God that He has already given you a congregation of twelve….”  Is there family worship in your home?  Does your little one pray before eating?  Do you spend enough time with your children telling them the heroic stories of the Bible, and have they learnt to love Jesus and depend on Him for everything?  The teacher and pastor will only stand behind you when your son or daughter will be judged on that Day.  Let us learn to love our homes like the dove and be mindful of our Eternal Home.


The voice of the turtle dove ANNOUNCES THE ARIVAL OF SPRING.  “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land”  (SS 2: 11, 12).  Are we not the turtle doves of a nation that slumbers, not understanding the singing of the birds or the blooming of the flowers of the earth, not realizing that the coming of the Lord is near?  “You who bring Good News to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring Good News to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’  See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and He rules with a mighty arm. See, His reward is with Him, and His recompense accompanies Him” (Isa 40:9, 10).


O doves, fear not, lift up your voices and announce the coming of the Lord!  Let your dove’s eyes be full of the vision of the perishing souls!


The dove has a MOURNING NATURE.  “It is decreed that Nineveh be exiled and carried away. Her female slaves  moan like doves and beat on their breasts” (Nah 2:7).  It is being sensitive to the sufferings of others.  God has given us this mourning and sensitive nature not without a reason.  Though we are often made a laughing stock since we can produce tears at the twinkle of an eye, it is God who has designed us so.  No one else can pray with such concern for the lost as women can do.  The start of a revival has often been a bunch of crying women.  The Lord needs such who will stand in the breach and save the country by their tears.  A tear in your closet can win a soul in China.


The dove is a FEARFUL bird.  “They will come from Egypt, trembling like sparrows, from Assyria, fluttering like doves” (Hos 11:11).  The fear of the Lord is the foundation for your family.


The dove ABIDES in the rock.  “…Dwell among the rocks, … Be like a dove that makes its nest at the mouth of a cave” (Jer 48:28).  For any mishap in the family it is the woman who bears the brunt of the attack.  Woman’s world is a tumultuous one.  The unsaved husband, the problem child, an unruly servant, the sickly baby, physical disabilities, pressing financial needs, etc. – all toss us about in the sea of worries.  But let us learn to take shelter in the Rock of our salvation.  The Psalmist’s desire is also the housewife’s desire.  Don’t sigh, “… Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest” (Psa 55:6).  But fix your regular Quiet Time with God, rest in the Rock and recoup your strength.


Behold, your beloved is waiting to see your face and hear your voice.  “My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely” (SS 2:14).  He is the One who sees us lying  among the pots and transforms us as the dove with wings sheathed with silver, and her feathers with shining  gold.


We are His, His beloved doves (SS 5:2, 6:9).

























  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

For Donation & Contributions...

Home & NRE donors

Name: Blessing Youth Mission
Account Type: Current Account
A/c No.: 37268642054
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSC No.: SBIN0007274

Gulf Donors

A/c Name: T.Dickson Daniel Moses
Account Type: Saving Account
A/c No.: 35374362080
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSF: SBIN0007274

Click here for more options

  Blessing Literature Centre

To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address

Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
 +91-44-28450411, Mob:8806270699