Decisions of a Sister
1. I DECIDE to appreciate my sister. I will find something to appreciate in her. I will joyfully congratulate her on her success and achievements. I will praise God for her advantages. I will not be jealousof her physical or spiritual plus points. I will not hinder her growth in anyway, rather help develop her skills. I will not react when she does not appreciate me where I expect.
2. I DECIDE to seek good for my sister. I will not plan evil against her in my thoughts or speak evil against her or do anything to harm her. I will be on the lookout for opportunities to help her. I will not be upset if she refuses to accept my help but still be ready to help her another time.
3. I DECIDE to respect my sister. I will respect her person, views and ideas. I will show respect in my words and deeds. I will be patient when she disrespects me. I will stand by her, support her and not let her down.
4. I DECIDE not to backbite my sister. If I talk about her I will talk only good of her. I will not contribute any negative points when others talk ill of her. I will keep silence when I have nothing positive to contribute. When she backbites me I will search myself to see if it is true and correct myself. If untrue I will not try to prove or defend myself, rather wait on the Lord to prove my case. I will not gossip with my sister. I will try my best to avoid all idle words. When she begins the gossip I will wisely change the topic.
5. I DECIDE not to fight with my sister. If I sense a spirit of anger in her I will hold my tongue. I will not irritate her with my words or give her nose-cuts, nor tease her unpleasantly. I will give soft replies for her harsh words. If she stops talking to me I will be the first to break the silence and work towards reconciliation.
6. I DECIDE to express my joy on meeting my sister. I will smile, laugh, joke and share and help her get out of her ill mood. I will try to understand her other deeper problems when she is cross with me and pray for her attitude to change for the better towards me.
7. I DECIDE to forgive my sister any wrong she did to me. I will seek the Lord’s help when I find it impossible to forgive and forget the havoc she has caused in my life. I will ask her forgiveness when I realise that I have wronged her. Even if I have offended her unintentionally, when I come to know of it I will seek her pardon with a spirit of meekness.
8. I DECIDE to tolerate my sister. I will overlook her shortcomings. I will not be constantly criticising or finding faults in her. I will try to see her as God sees her. I will boldly but gently correct her sins and help her become better. I will readily accept when she criticises or corrects or chides me.
9. I DECIDE to build her up spiritually. I will transmit to her what I learn. I will readily give her spiritual help when she needs it. I will seek her help in times of my need and humble myself to learn from her what she has learnt from the Lord.
10. I DECIDE to preserve unity between me and my sister at all cost. I will learn to ignore minor differences and fellowship with her. I will not pressurise her to accept my views and doctrines. When misunderstanding creeps in I will approach her for open discussion to clarify the same and set matters right.
Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
+91 9843511943
Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
+91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943
Click here for more options
To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address
Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
+91-44-28450411, 8806270699
Decisions of a Sister
1. I DECIDE to appreciate my sister. I will find something to appreciate in her. I will joyfully congratulate her on her success and achievements. I will praise God for her advantages. I will not be jealousof her physical or spiritual plus points. I will not hinder her growth in anyway, rather help develop her skills. I will not react when she does not appreciate me where I expect.
2. I DECIDE to seek good for my sister. I will not plan evil against her in my thoughts or speak evil against her or do anything to harm her. I will be on the lookout for opportunities to help her. I will not be upset if she refuses to accept my help but still be ready to help her another time.
3. I DECIDE to respect my sister. I will respect her person, views and ideas. I will show respect in my words and deeds. I will be patient when she disrespects me. I will stand by her, support her and not let her down.
4. I DECIDE not to backbite my sister. If I talk about her I will talk only good of her. I will not contribute any negative points when others talk ill of her. I will keep silence when I have nothing positive to contribute. When she backbites me I will search myself to see if it is true and correct myself. If untrue I will not try to prove or defend myself, rather wait on the Lord to prove my case. I will not gossip with my sister. I will try my best to avoid all idle words. When she begins the gossip I will wisely change the topic.
5. I DECIDE not to fight with my sister. If I sense a spirit of anger in her I will hold my tongue. I will not irritate her with my words or give her nose-cuts, nor tease her unpleasantly. I will give soft replies for her harsh words. If she stops talking to me I will be the first to break the silence and work towards reconciliation.
6. I DECIDE to express my joy on meeting my sister. I will smile, laugh, joke and share and help her get out of her ill mood. I will try to understand her other deeper problems when she is cross with me and pray for her attitude to change for the better towards me.
7. I DECIDE to forgive my sister any wrong she did to me. I will seek the Lord’s help when I find it impossible to forgive and forget the havoc she has caused in my life. I will ask her forgiveness when I realise that I have wronged her. Even if I have offended her unintentionally, when I come to know of it I will seek her pardon with a spirit of meekness.
8. I DECIDE to tolerate my sister. I will overlook her shortcomings. I will not be constantly criticising or finding faults in her. I will try to see her as God sees her. I will boldly but gently correct her sins and help her become better. I will readily accept when she criticises or corrects or chides me.
9. I DECIDE to build her up spiritually. I will transmit to her what I learn. I will readily give her spiritual help when she needs it. I will seek her help in times of my need and humble myself to learn from her what she has learnt from the Lord.
10. I DECIDE to preserve unity between me and my sister at all cost. I will learn to ignore minor differences and fellowship with her. I will not pressurise her to accept my views and doctrines. When misunderstanding creeps in I will approach her for open discussion to clarify the same and set matters right.
Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
+91 9843511943
Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
+91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943
Click here for more options
To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address
Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
+91-44-28450411, Mob:8806270699