The Cock and Hen


Mala did not turn up for the Saturday meeting. “Very unusual,” I thought and walked to her house the next day to find the reason. I found her in bed, curled up like a worm.

“Ai, Mala, what gal?”

“O, ouch, my tummy.”

“What’s wrong with your tummy man?”


“Just that? Good grief. Surely, you don’t mean to spend three days a month in bed? Lazy, up, up. If you stay in bed and keep thinking of your pain, you’ll feel worse. Come on, if you are feeling a lot of discomfort, keep a hot water bag over your tummy for the night.” I tickled her playfully and got her out of bed.

“Chi, why all problems for girls only?” She grumbled as she reluctantly moved away from her bed.

“You’re asking me why?! Didn’t your mother tell you all about it?”

“Where will my mother find the time? She is far too busy managing the affairs of her Ladies’ Club or entertaining guests all evening. In the morning, I am away at school. At night, she scolds me and advises me and spoils my mood.”

The rays of light scattered from Mala’s brimming eyes exposed the large drops about to fall out. She carefully winked them back.

I was touched by the  sadness  in her  eyes.   “No time...” How many young ones suffer like this... silently and bitterly because the grown-ups around them have no time to talk, to sympathise, to share, to untangle their confusion or may be just listen ...

“I want to tell you a few important facts about your body Mala, or else you’ll learn the wrong things from the wrong persons.

“God has created our bodies in a wonderful way. There is nothing dirty about it. The organs of reproduction in a woman’s body are (1) Uterus (2) Ovaries (3) Vagina.

“The uterus is inside the lower abdomen. The ovaries are like walnuts on either side of the uterus. They are connected to the uterus by the fallopian tubes. The vagina is a passage that begins at the uterus and opens up between the urethra and the anus. The ovaries take turns to function every month. Every month an ovum or egg is formed in an ovary. The ovum is just a dot to the naked eye. It travels through the fallopian tube and settles on the inner wall of the uterus. After a few days it passes out of the uterus. At this time, the inner wall of the uterus also is passed out through the vagina. This is accompanied by bleeding for a period of 3-5 days and the cycle repeats every 28 days. We call it menstruation or periods. During this time, because of increased blood circulation there will be some heaviness or pain in the lower abdomen.

“If the ovum gets penetrated by a male sperm (seed) when it is in the uterus, it gets fertilised and grows in the uterus. Then the wall of the uterus will not disintegrate but provide the right environment for the embryo to grow. That is why a pregnant woman does not get her periods. The foetus grows in the uterus for 9 months after which the baby is delivered. A girl attains puberty or maturity at the age of 12 or 13. After that, she is capable of becoming pregnant.

“The male seed is in the semen. Semen is produced by the testicles and contains millions of sperms. Haven’t you seen a cock climbing on a hen? It is during such a physical union that the cock spills its semen into the hen’s vagina.”


“What chi? This is not chi. It is the marvel of God’s creation and must not be spoken about lightly.”

“Sometimes I don’t get my periods for 2 or 3 months. My mother takes me to the doctor then.”

“It is good to see a doctor. But it is quite normal for a young girl to have delayed periods. This does not require any medical attention usually. In course of time, your body clock will mend by itself.”

“I used to try to find my own explanations to the way my body behaves. You know auntie, I have a wild imagination. But now, I have understood. You have made it all clear.”

Mala smiled her thanks.



  Articles (Tamil)

  •    என் அண்ணா!
      Oct 14, 2024
    நான் இயேசுவின் தம்பி யாக்கோபு. ஏழை குடும்பத்தில், நாசரேத் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த நாங்கள் ஐந்து சகோதரர் மற்றும் சகோதரிகள். more...
  •   இறைவார்த்தையின் வல்லமை!.
      Mar 10, 2024
    நாம் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்தான். அனால் இரன்டு காரணங்களுக்காக நாம் சோதிக்கப்படும்படி தேவன் அனுமதிக்கிறார் more...
  •   நான் குழந்தை இயேசு!.
      Jan 29, 2024
    அப்பாவின் கவலை தோய்ந்த முகம் பூலோகத்தையே உற்று நோக்கி கொண்டிருந்ததை கவனித்தேன் more...



  Short Videos


  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

For Donation & Contributions...

Home & NRE donors

Name: Blessing Youth Mission
Account Type: Current Account
A/c No.: 37268642054
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSC No.: SBIN0007274

Gulf Donors

A/c Name: T.Dickson Daniel Moses
Account Type: Saving Account
A/c No.: 35374362080
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSF: SBIN0007274

Click here for more options

  Blessing Literature Centre

To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address

Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
 +91-44-28450411, 8806270699

  Articles (Tamil)

  •   என் அண்ணா!
      Oct 14, 2024
    நான் இயேசுவின் தம்பி யாக்கோபு. ஏழை குடும்பத்தில், நாசரேத் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த நாங்கள் ஐந்து சகோதரர் மற்றும் சகோதரிகள். more...
  •   இறைவார்த்தையின் வல்லமை!.
      Mar 10, 2024
    நாம் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்தான். அனால் இரன்டு காரணங்களுக்காக நாம் சோதிக்கப்படும்படி தேவன் அனுமதிக்கிறார் more...
  •   நான் குழந்தை இயேசு!.
      Jan 29, 2024
    அப்பாவின் கவலை தோய்ந்த முகம் பூலோகத்தையே உற்று நோக்கி கொண்டிருந்ததை கவனித்தேன் more...



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                                     The Cock and Hen


Mala did not turn up for the Saturday meeting. “Very unusual,” I thought and walked to her house the next day to find the reason. I found her in bed, curled up like a worm.

“Ai, Mala, what gal?”

“O, ouch, my tummy.”

“What’s wrong with your tummy man?”


“Just that? Good grief. Surely, you don’t mean to spend three days a month in bed? Lazy, up, up. If you stay in bed and keep thinking of your pain, you’ll feel worse. Come on, if you are feeling a lot of discomfort, keep a hot water bag over your tummy for the night.” I tickled her playfully and got her out of bed.

“Chi, why all problems for girls only?” She grumbled as she reluctantly moved away from her bed.

“You’re asking me why?! Didn’t your mother tell you all about it?”

“Where will my mother find the time? She is far too busy managing the affairs of her Ladies’ Club or entertaining guests all evening. In the morning, I am away at school. At night, she scolds me and advises me and spoils my mood.”

The rays of light scattered from Mala’s brimming eyes exposed the large drops about to fall out. She carefully winked them back.

I was touched by the  sadness  in her  eyes.   “No time...” How many young ones suffer like this... silently and bitterly because the grown-ups around them have no time to talk, to sympathise, to share, to untangle their confusion or may be just listen ...

“I want to tell you a few important facts about your body Mala, or else you’ll learn the wrong things from the wrong persons.

“God has created our bodies in a wonderful way. There is nothing dirty about it. The organs of reproduction in a woman’s body are (1) Uterus (2) Ovaries (3) Vagina.

“The uterus is inside the lower abdomen. The ovaries are like walnuts on either side of the uterus. They are connected to the uterus by the fallopian tubes. The vagina is a passage that begins at the uterus and opens up between the urethra and the anus. The ovaries take turns to function every month. Every month an ovum or egg is formed in an ovary. The ovum is just a dot to the naked eye. It travels through the fallopian tube and settles on the inner wall of the uterus. After a few days it passes out of the uterus. At this time, the inner wall of the uterus also is passed out through the vagina. This is accompanied by bleeding for a period of 3-5 days and the cycle repeats every 28 days. We call it menstruation or periods. During this time, because of increased blood circulation there will be some heaviness or pain in the lower abdomen.

“If the ovum gets penetrated by a male sperm (seed) when it is in the uterus, it gets fertilised and grows in the uterus. Then the wall of the uterus will not disintegrate but provide the right environment for the embryo to grow. That is why a pregnant woman does not get her periods. The foetus grows in the uterus for 9 months after which the baby is delivered. A girl attains puberty or maturity at the age of 12 or 13. After that, she is capable of becoming pregnant.

“The male seed is in the semen. Semen is produced by the testicles and contains millions of sperms. Haven’t you seen a cock climbing on a hen? It is during such a physical union that the cock spills its semen into the hen’s vagina.”


“What chi? This is not chi. It is the marvel of God’s creation and must not be spoken about lightly.”

“Sometimes I don’t get my periods for 2 or 3 months. My mother takes me to the doctor then.”

“It is good to see a doctor. But it is quite normal for a young girl to have delayed periods. This does not require any medical attention usually. In course of time, your body clock will mend by itself.”

“I used to try to find my own explanations to the way my body behaves. You know auntie, I have a wild imagination. But now, I have understood. You have made it all clear.”

Mala smiled her thanks.



  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

For Donation & Contributions...

Home & NRE donors

Name: Blessing Youth Mission
Account Type: Current Account
A/c No.: 37268642054
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSC No.: SBIN0007274

Gulf Donors

A/c Name: T.Dickson Daniel Moses
Account Type: Saving Account
A/c No.: 35374362080
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSF: SBIN0007274

Click here for more options

  Blessing Literature Centre

To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address

Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
 +91-44-28450411, Mob:8806270699